and living in a small town... Our library ladies are the best...! we have a very healthy fruit tree in the library yard, and I mentioned snitching a few to the ladies, they said help yourself to as many as we wanted, better still bring a ladder and thin the upper branches that were bowing severely - OK..! if you insist..!
So while I was working on the Historical Society newsletter,
I canned a few jars of jelly....
the smaller jars make it easy to be generous to more people, but truth be told, most prefer to partake quickly so they can get the jars back for you to fill again... I like to remind my friends/family that very point...
"Our generosity only goes so far, if you ever want more please return this jar."
BUAHAHAHAHA, OMG, I kill me...!
Any-who, I can start handing them out after they sit today..!
Any-who, I can start handing them out after they sit today..!
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