Updated Craft Room (Craft Space)

Mostly this started with the realization that I have way too much stuff...  BUT, that doesn't mean I want to get rid of anything, heavens NO...!!!  It just means I needed a room all to myself :D it also motivated me to purge, use things up and move this stuff out...!!!  So a new concept came about "CRAFT BOMBING" carve out an hour once a week to go and play in your crafting area, gather stuff and complete something.  The rules vary, use what you have on hand, spend at least one hour (more if you can), but the bottom line is to finish something - don't leave it partially done (unless you can commit to another night of bombing within that week...)  next week I'm going to use a whole spool of ribbon (I discovered that I have a silly amount of that),  I have asked my friends to remind me when we are shopping that I don't need it "right" now, and they WILL make more  :::heavy sigh:::

hope the fisheye lens doesn't distort to much...  from the door.

from the far corner.

from the tv.

without the fisheye from the door.

from the side.

without the fisheye - from the tv.

without the fisheye - from the far corner.

behind the door.

 This is a long awaited culmination of patiently hobbling together
the ideal inspirational space :D

 What would we do without IKEA - I can't recall a time before (oh yes I can, see pix at bottom)

Here are a few of my favorite elements.

(OLD) Some of the IKEA pieces, I added a few more to the new room... tee, hee, hee...

(BEFORE...)  the reason that this doesn't look as bad is b/c a lot of my supplies were stashed ALL over the house, now they are all in one place...

and before that...
