Deck of cards birthday card...

My DH turned the BIG 5-0 today, and I saw this cute idea at valentines, and thought to store the idea away for his birthday, it worked out great to use the King & Queen of hearts as the front & back covers and then have 50 things I love about him...  I hit the dollar store, grabbed a deck of cards, my ATG, and created a template...  off I go...

a few of my favorites...

I can add pictures to the back of the cards later.

and now I need to straighten my hobby room - this desktop
has become a catchall and needs attending - egads...!

and these stick pins need glued...  their just rolling around my desk..!!!


  1. I hadn't visited your blog before. I had a niece who not long ago sent me an email asking for suggestions on how to decorate a deck of cards for her partner. I HAVE to forward this on, how cute did these turn out! Patti


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