What every 2 year old girl (with three older brothers needs...)

a CAMO TUTU of course..!  Oh, and a PUFF wand to bonk the boys on the head - hahaha

I need to get pix from my SIL when zoey wears is, but in the meantime here is the tutu & wand...
 I found elastic mesh ribbon that worked great for looping the tulle, and it will allow Zoey to enjoy the tutu for years to come!
 The PUFF want is tulle wrapped around the "CLOVER" pom-pom maker (X-LRG), I took the three colors and began (RANDOMLY) wrapping, and then hot glued it to the camo ribbon wrapped dowel (permanent double sided tape on ribbon, and wind up the dowel).  I made the curly ribbons (aka korker ribbon) by wrapping them around dowels, and spraying with starch, and drying in the oven (250 degrees 25 minutes), and of course I added BLING...

Thinking about a camo tutu for ME, take it out to the shooting range...  
what would the guys DARE to say...  I have a PUFF wand, and I'm not afraid to use it...
