(Simple) Masculine card for father's day, shirt/tie card

I wanted to experiment with some masculine cards - always a challenge…

Here are a few versions of a simple shirt/tie card…  it's a great way to use of some patterned paper that you are not crazy about, but would make a great crazy tie…!

The tie is from Cricut CTMHArtiste, I made them a wee bit fatter (thicker) than the default.

This was just cut out and backed with the designer paper (this is my favorite for the craft show - I'm giving the others to my girlfriends).

This is slightly larger than an A2 - I cut a 1" strip and used that as the collar, layering the paper and collar over a folded A2, and adhering the tie to the layer, another option is colored oxford and white collar, a little bling as the tie tack.

This is an A2 that I cut into the top an inch down from the fold and then folded the pieces to make the collar - brads could be used to give the affect of buttons, and to hold the bulk of the layers.
