Reusable snack bags - from Trader Joe's shopping bag

It hurts my feelings a LOT to throw ziplock bag after bag, after bag away…  and you can only use them so may times before they simply look disgusting, and/or fall apart.  I happen to stumble across this idea on "oh yay, Pinterest" and I thought I can make those…  but I could not find "cute" food safe fabric…  until it struck me that TJ's had fun bags that would most certainly be food safe, right…?

here they are sealed with the velcro closed

I took a seam ripper and opened the bag out until I had one big piece of fabric, selected the area I wanted and cut to my desired size - I choose 6"x 19" the full length of the bag, this made the two snack sized bags above.  I think I'll make a few 6"x 14" to mimic the zip locks that I toss away - NOT ANY MORE…!!!

I folded the edge over, and pinned one side of the the velcro (velcro width is 1/4" from edge of fabric to accommodate the side stitch) to the wrong side of the fabric - and stitched all the way around the velcro to hold it down - repeated on the other side.

folded right sides together, and stitched up the side, trimmed the bottom corner, triple stitched the top (over the velcro), trimmed the threads, and flipped it out - easy peasey…!!!!

I think I can get 6-8 bags out of on Tj's bag..!!!!  I'll let you know :)
