UPDATED! Camp shower kits!

DH says, "they're boys, they don't need to be clean!  why do they need shower kits?"  ewwww..  ok, fine - then his & hers, since he only needs two bottles, and I need four!

Truth be told the grand boys could probably care less about washing while camping, I on the other hand would prefer to kiss a clean face goodnight - don't get me wrong, I'll still kiss those mud covered faces, but if I have a choice…  nuff said…

So in an effort to make the trip to the showers less cumbersome I craft-lifted these babies, grab your towel, slip on your flip-flops and head to the showers!  The lanyard has velcro so you can slip it over the curtain rod, or the shower head.  The bottles are from last years craft show - "santa-tizers!"

I used my Cricut for the lettering, and then I covered in shipping table just to be sure!
Can't wait to get drive these babies this weekend!
Can you tell I'm a little excited to glamp with the grand boys!!!
